Agency Owners – Learn from our own local agency

As an agency owner, you know that your focus has shifted from personal production to more of a management role. The hurdles you face are entirely different from the rest of the field force selling independently.

Whether it’s finding ways to motivate your LOAs or teaching them how to be more efficient and increase their production, we’ve been there.

Meet John Hockaday

John Hockaday, Principal and Co-Founder of New Horizons started as an individual agent in the field. After having some success, he and business partner Jeff started trying to bring others in, and that’s how their local agency was born. John says, “If you have 10 agents that are really great writers, and you’re keeping them happy, you can do very well as an agency owner with minimal headaches.”

If you need any advice or guidance as you either start an agency or continue building your existing one, John is an excellent resource. He’s happy to provide you with any insight you may need from personal experience as a fellow agency owner.

Meet Jeff Sams

Jeff Sams, CEO and Co-Founder of New Horizons, also began as an individual agent and worked alongside John Hockaday to build the local agency in central Illinois. Jeff recalls the growing pains, from marketing mistakes to hiring the right staff members.

If you might be a new or experienced agency owner, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Jeff for advice. He can share some of the mistakes he made along the way to hopefully save you from making them!

Manage Growth and Hire New Staff Members

How to Manage Growth as a One-Person Insurance Agency

All of that behind-the-scenes work like scheduling appointments, fixing errors on applications, and running reports can take you away from where you shine the most.

And while you can do it all for some time, there comes a breaking point. Things start to get missed, you go absolutely insane during open enrollment, and your sales may even plateau because your business is growing and you're stretched too thin to handle it.

In order to manage growth properly as a one-person insurance agency, you have to know when it's time to hire help.

Download the Intern Phone Call Scripts

As an efficient insurance agent, the last thing you should be doing is scheduling your own renewal appointments. 

Our recommendation is to hire an intern (reach out to your local university about this). Then, train them by providing this call script.

You know exactly what your intern will say, and here's the kicker – they don't even have to be good on the phone. They just read this script and set the appointments.

Establishing Time-Saving Systems

Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRMs): What They Are, Why You Need One, and How to Start

If you’re not familiar with it, CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. The basic functions of a CRM program are to track sales, automate interactions, and store customer information. 

If you want to learn something specific about your entire customer base, you can do it at the click of a button. You can also pinpoint when one client’s birthday is, when a policy is about to hit its annual review, and so on. It just makes finding specific information painless.

The Ultimate 7-Step Onboarding Process For New Clients

If you’re interested in keeping your clients happy and increasing your chances of quality referrals, it’s worthwhile to come up with a great onboarding process.

We have a 7-step onboarding process that will ensure you develop a lasting relationship with your new clients.

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