Medico's First Diagnosis Cancer plan is an excellent product backed by a reputable company. It's simplified issue, so a short application is used and a prescription drug screen will be required for all applicants. No phone interview or medical exams are required.

A 10% Household Discount is available when two or more people who live in the same household, at the same address, apply for and are issued the same policy on the same date. (May not be available in all states.) There is also no policy fee.

Plus, you can learn about the Medico First Diagnosis Cancer plan in a webinar – there are two per month, and you can sign up right from the agent portal:

Cancer Plan Details

When you choose your benefit amount and sign up for the Medico cancer plan, you're guaranteeing that as soon as you receive a first cancer diagnosis, Medico will write you a check for that amount.

  • Waiting period: 30 days
  • Plan type: Lump sum
  • Benefit amounts: $10,000-$25,000 ($5,000 intervals)
  • Issue ages: 18-79
  • Guaranteed renewable
  • Covers internal cancers and malignant melanoma
  • Does not cover other skin cancers
  • Eligibility requirement: No cancer in the past 10 years

State Availability

The Medico First Diagnosis Cancer plan is available in all states except DE, FL, MD, MN, MS, ND, RI, SD, VA, and WV. In addition, most states offer a 10% household discount! Check the state availability chart to confirm your state.

Sample Rates

Rates pulled for IL, July 2019

Inflation Protection Optional Benefit

Medico offers an optional benefit that automatically increases the cash benefit amount by 5% of the original cash benefit amount each year the policy is in force.

Medico Cancer Plan Marketing Assets

Medico has created a consumer letter and a consumer brochure that are available for agents in the agent portal.

Packaging Cancer and Med Supp

New to Cancer Insurance?

Read The Ultimate Guide to Selling Cancer Insurance to Seniors, and you'll not only get full explanations for all the stats on this handout, but you'll learn how to bring up the conversation, what company you should sell, and everything in between.

You may also like the "Why Is Cancer Insurance Important?" Client Handout.